Beyond the Billboard: Out-of-Home Advertising Options

Beyond the Billboard: Out-of-Home Advertising Options

JWMorton client, DuTrac Community Credit Union, used transit advertising as part of its campaign to introduce new brand colors.

The billboard could be called the “OG of Out-Of-Home (OOH) Advertising.”  Since its introduction in the mid-1800s, it has lined urban streets and dotted the landscape along highways across the country.

But as marketing tactics have continued to expand and change, new OOH advertising options have emerged to reach potential customers. 

The term OOH advertising comes from its goal: to engage consumers outside their homes, where they commute, shop, work, and socialize. It leverages a variety of mediums to broadcast messages across high-traffic environments, resulting in maximum impact on a wide-ranging audience.

5 Types of OOH Advertising

  1. Transit advertising. This includes advertisements placed on, in, or around public transport areas, such as buses, subways, and train stations, targeting commuters.
  2. Street furniture. Advertising on bus shelters, benches, kiosks, and urban panels are part of this category, which interacts closely with pedestrians and city dwellers.
  3. Digital OOH. By incorporating digital technology with OOH, digital billboards and screens offer dynamic content that can be updated in real-time.
  4. Point of sale displays. Situated near retail checkout areas, these aim to influence last-minute buying decisions.
  5. Billboards. While the concept of billboard advertising hasn’t changed, options have expanded, including wallscapes, 3-D designs, and digital elements. 

Reaching People On The Go: Benefits and Challenges

  • High visibility. OOH advertising commands attention in public spaces, making it difficult to ignore.
  • Wide reach. It allows brands to reach a broad audience, including those who may not be easily targeted through online platforms.
  • Location specific. Advertisers can choose strategic locations to target specific demographics or behaviors.
  • Creative flexibility. The variety of formats allows for creative and impactful designs that can engage consumers in memorable ways.

Despite its advantages, OOH advertising presents a few challenges as well:

  • Cost. Large-scale placements, especially in prime locations, can be expensive.
  • Measurement issues. Unlike digital advertising, quantifying the exact impact of OOH campaigns can be complex.
  • Regulatory hurdles. There are often strict regulations governing where and how outdoor ads can be displayed.

The Benefit of Working With an Experienced Marketing Agency

Navigating the complexities of OOH advertising is best handled by professionals. An experienced agency can provide invaluable expertise in:

  • Strategic planning. Agencies can identify the best types of OOH media for a particular campaign, considering the client’s goals, target audience, and budget.
  • Creative design. Professionals can craft compelling visuals and messages tailored to OOH media.
  • Negotiation. Agencies often have established relationships with media owners, allowing them to secure premium ad spaces at better rates.

Integrating OOH in an Overall Campaign

An experienced agency will also ensure OOH advertising reaches its full potential as part of a holistic marketing strategy. Integrated campaigns that combine OOH with digital, print, and broadcast media can create multiple touchpoints with consumers, reinforcing the message and enhancing brand recall. This omnichannel marketing approach ensures a comprehensive reach, engaging potential customers at various stages and increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Is OOH Advertising Right for Your Message?

Knowing whether OOH is right for your marketing plan can sometimes be complicated. Is it right for your message strategy? Is it right for your targeting needs? Should it be 100% of my budget or part of a mix? How much should I spend? All good questions, and exactly why you might want to talk with an experienced broad-based marketing agency. If you’d like to know more—let’s talk.

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